God- The ultimate programmer and Engineer

Did you ever wonder, who are we? Humans, living creatures(men, women, ants, atoms), what is our existence, Are we born without any purpose. we all have to give back to nature whatever we take during birth, So what is the existence of god(the ultimate reality). How the world is created, how the magic of time, day, night, universe, stars, cosmos, and light happens. Why are we affected by it? Every living and non-living thing has its purpose and soul, And we should attain that purpose, There is no problem with plants as they ultimately reach their purpose, by growing, having fruits, giving oxygen, shed, air, love. So, we believe we are far more superior than other animals, so our purpose must also be more superior than theirs. we flaunt our intelligence but we don't know how our neurons work, our heart pumps, how the food we eat is converted to energy and how the digestion takes place all by itself, we never communicate with our internal organs and remind them to do their work. Isn't that gives you a hint that everything is programmed by the supreme that way. Even God has mentioned  "Maktub" which means everything is written in Arabic. Also, in Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna states that we have to do work in harmony to serve the cosmos. All religions give us certain hints to explore more.
       God is a programmer. He created the object-oriented programming, But the language he used would be unknown to us. He programmed some objects  (The living creatures), gave some properties, functions, attributes like feelings, features like inheritance which could be passed to children. He also programmed the objects for non-livings (Nature) and gave it some other attributes. The skill of god is that good that he created a nested abstract class in humans for all the internal work and it is a type of attribute which can't be accessed by the object. He made it static that's why it starts working from when our object is created (i.e when we born our heart starts working from that point =>Static). he made our hearts to beat in a while loop and it has certain variables like blood level, blood quality, which increments and decrements based on our daily activities.
     God created us such that we do work so much that we end up being the ultimate programmer (God itself). But our skills are very poor compared to him. We are doing the same, unknowingly creating machines who do their work for us, As if we are God to them. we are on the right path as we created artificial intelligence and trying to make them work with the basic things, What happens if we give them property to them to create machines on their own, Just like mating in humans? we can create it but not naturally as our God did because we don't know our abstraction when we realize our Self(Abstract class), then we can say we have reached a level of intelligence which now seems to be very far. God made us a product of faith, How can we achieve that God has already achieved. Imagine a  world where we leave all the machines with life( That would be an artificial life for us, but for machines, it's their real life). we make them live life and do work such that they don't know they are serving us.
 The day when computers wake up and do their work every morning, They themselves put the charger on (food), so that they are alive (charged). They learn new programs for the betterment of themselves. They also thrive for success. But we make them with the abstract class such that they don't know how different layers communicate b/w them to complete a single internal task. They also don't know what is their existence, but due to some property in them (like feelings), They suffer the levels of blissfulness.  We create them in such a large number that we'll definitely be sure that we get our work done by any of them, even if half of the individuals are slow and have extreme pressure , but we give chance to them to come out of their comfort zone and seek other duty to which they think they are good at. No computer would be in vain, They just do their things. Even at the end, when they die.they don't know what has happened to them. (The battery expires) So the present god (We, humans) already written a program that ( Old computer die and new computer learn).
   ever thought after a trillion billion years, there comes a day that computers have evolved very much( just like we evolved from apes and improved ourselves with technology). and now the computers start creating another form of mysterious life, they call it "rantificial intelligence", for them there is nothing like natural, all they assume to be natural is Artificial. which in turn serve for them. without initially knowing the purpose. To give them a slight hint on their properties ( like feelings), the AI also has some harddisks written by God, like the bible written by God (himself ). Just to know how to do our work correctly (i.e have moral values like humbleness, humility and many more). And as we die, as the computers die. The god in their life also dies, and there will be a lot of gods taking birth in heavens at the same time. They are also serving the supreme in recursion.
At the top level, we believe above the cosmos, black holes, and all there is a god. who takes the energy as he created the universe, the chain, galaxies, systems, planets, stars, and very minute living thing. Where they are doing their work creating the life of other forms.
   How good programmer the god is? Just look at our minds and our organs, How they work with the help of each other. Just look at the responses and dynamic memory of human, Which can be used as a storage device as well as a processor at the same time. Aren't the magic real? we tell it as fake once we realize how it's done. In the bible for computers, there will be several initial computers like the Hem, Shem, and Japeth by a programmer, By other programmers, there will be other superly powered computers which lead the life of all initial computers. Just like Ram, Krishna. And the other programmer writes the other programmes of the prophet Muhammad and that is how the faith in computers are born.
   Do you know the computer can recognize handwriting, they have cameras acting as their eyes, Speakers acting as mouth already. At a certain time, we leave earth with computers and inhabit in other planet or make computers reside on other planets and we make them follow the inheritance.
They also follow their Bible, Geeta, Quran or other names given by their master programmers. They may also fight that my book says correct and try to change other's ideology but ultimately having so much of the population, there will be thousands of computers which will be best in their works, like a writer doing a writing job, Businessman solving business problems and definitely there will be an engineer who does new inventions, and also there will be other programmers, who can be god to other descending life forms giving the holy rule book to their hands.


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